Category Archives: busker’s

Busker’s BLC300 Electric Guitar Les Paul Custom Type, Soft Case Included

Busker’s BLC300 Electric Guitar – Les Paul Custom Type, Soft Case Included. Introducing the BLC300 Busker’s Electric Guitar, a stunning Les Paul Custom type inspired by the iconic Gibson Black Les Paul Custom model. This guitar is perfect for fans of the anime Bocchi the Rock! As it features the same model that the protagonist […]

Buskers BLC-300 Les Paul Custom Vintage 2-point fastening rod cover

Buskers BLC-300 Les Paul Custom Vintage 2-point fastening rod cover. Les Paul custom type. Probably from the 1990s. I’ve played a lot of instruments in this class, and even compared to products produced in recent years, this one has a sharper tone and sounds much better. Judging from the two-point rod cover and the tightness […]